Don’t even show up today if you can’t jumprope like Buddy Lee…especially the squat!

There are some great tips here for those of you working on Dub’s

400m run

Overhead Pause Squat
5X4 (w/ 4ct pause at bottom)
ascending weight each set
Getting comfortable at the bottom of the squat is probably the trickiest part of the entire movement. To work on this element of the exercise, it’s important to get used to having the bar (and weight) above your head when you’re at the bottom of the squat—the hole. One way to do is by training with pause squats (this exercise can be utilized to develop your front and back squats as well). Pause squats are great for developing power out of the hole, building torso rigidity, taking stress off of the knees and developing confidence and comfort in the lift—to name just a few benefits.
There are a number of variations that you can play around when pause squatting, but one that I have personally found effective utilizes a four-second hold. To do this, start with the bar racked and at a much lighter weight than you would normally use for 3-4 reps. Take the bar off the rack and get into your OH squat position and squat down into the lowest possible position you can achieve (while maintaining good form!). Hold this position for a count of four, then drive out of the hole. Repeat for a total of four reps, five sets, ascending in weight each set. -Bill Imbo BoxLife magazine

5 rounds for time of:
5 Overhead Squats 135/95
10 Toes-to-bar
15 Db Hang Squat Clean 40/30
20 Double-unders

About crossfit22

Trainers: Kathy Gunther 801-652-4745 Liz McBride 801-913-4096

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